Chu, Kate
朱純慧 老師
朱純慧台灣淡水人,祖籍嘉義。在台灣任職財經新聞記者。來美就讀密西根大學,軟體使用者研究論文獲美國國家科學基金會經費贊助。在美設計電腦軟體十餘年,任職於世界知名的醫院 Cleveland Clinic 以及Rockwell Automation (NYSE: ROK) 、 Eaton (NYSE: ROK) 等財富五百大公司。在台、美兩地教過的學生小至4歲大至60歲。
Kate Chu was a financial news reporter in Taiwan before relocating to the US. She earned her Master's Degree from Michigan State University, with her thesis funded by National Science Foundation. Ms. Chu designed software interface for industry leaders such as Cleveland Clinic, Rockwell Automation (NYSE: ROK), and Eaton (NYSE: ROK). Nowadays you can find her at the industry leader of Chinese language: Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning, tutoring eager learners on cross-cultural communication.